Journalen 10 years anniversary conference!

2022 marks the 10th anniversary of “Journalen” in Sweden. It was in 2012 that Region Uppsala first give citizens online access to their electronic health records (EHR) for the first time. Since then, a lot has happened in Sweden, and today people all over Sweden have direct online access to their EHR through the e-health service “Journalen” on

9-10 november 2022

Online access to EHRs is also highly relevant internationally, and we have also invited international researchers to Uppsala to share experiences of the implementation and effects of patients online access to records throughout the world.
It will be a 2-day event with invited speakers from both the US and Europe. The conference will have a scientific focus and will also be open to the public. Read more on the page Friends of Journalen.
Attendance in person or online is possible. To register, click the link below and you can select how you plan to attend the conference: